Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Magic Card Edge. BY Persons Adnak! Belarus will! Culture improves the lives of Fair Projects Lookin

Belarusians will! "Our Dish - 2: Belarusian cuisine for professional chefs
Magic Card Edge. BY Persons Adnak! Belarus will! Culture improves the lives of Fair Projects Looking for dragon! Black and White Fight gene dozen poems. Restart köksluckor - 2 Dozen. Reload Interests will be here! Be a Belarusian Be Byelorussian Byelorussian 2 Be 3 "Let the language!" We Belarusian holidays!
Introducing the mini-series of essays that is a joint project with the portal Guild of Chefs Belarus - Belarusian cuisine for professional chefs. Project participants will Receive basic half-forgotten recipes Belarusian cuisine with explanatory essays about these dishes from Alesia White, who will need to make in their adaptation and photograph (to be submitted to a professional photographer). köksluckor Then materials with photos of dishes, in some cases - with video commentary chefs practitioners will be placed on and Initiator of the project - a food columnist Tasha Lopatenko. The ultimate goal - an introduction to the menu of restaurants countries national dishes and holding of general advertising campaigns, köksluckor supported by partners. Before the beginning of the publication of essays on specific dishes, give the floor to Michael Grigorchik, chairman köksluckor of the Guild of Chefs Belarus, a member of the National Guild of Chefs Russia.
- Kitchen - not a goal but a means for positive change in the social space. We are committed köksluckor to the implementation of a society more equitable relationship to the profession of chef. Ideally restaurants with places enjoy food, have become köksluckor a kind of cultural institutions. Mission chef is much broader than cooking.
We consider food as a powerful socio-cultural factors affecting the vital interests of each. The desire to develop a positive attitude among the population to a healthy lifestyle, including through the promotion of the national cuisine - one of the main objectives of the Guild. köksluckor At all times the guilds were associations of professionals, which is important not only to be the first in their field, but also to create a favorable impression köksluckor of their profession. Our approach - a combination of practical köksluckor and theoretical experience.
Guild created on the principle of "cake", where the architects and builders themselves act chef. We put the dough in the oven, which already has everything: flour, yeast, stuffing, salt, sugar, spices. And nothing is prepared separately, may all be one, for all its multidimensionality from the outset. Every detail is provided even at the time of inception of the idea. We are preparing the materials for the media, organize workshops for students, hold charity events, interactive contests. The most important thing in this - the interaction köksluckor of the people concerned.
- Personal interest and desire to revive the national cuisine, bring it to the people. Increasingly, our customers are asking Belarusian cuisine, but often do not realize that in the end will bring the server. The main task - the adaptation of the old recipes so that it was not just the position of the menu, and the "popular" dishes. After all, the recipes have to live in the rhythm of our time, it was to adapt to the user. That is why the team of chefs preparing dishes in its variations, to understand what will be on sale today, and that is able to survive in the market. köksluckor
- This is our main task - to find a buyer, adapting national cuisine to modern needs. The public is interested, but we need to give it a high-quality product, conceived not by one person. The festival of potato köksluckor pancakes, which we had last year, it's köksluckor a lot of people. Therefore, it is necessary. It's always interesting. Only need scales. And this requires support - expertise and information ..
- In this first set of "Belarusian cuisine" represented 5 courses: jelly, soup, Shupenia, patravka, köksluckor coma. Which of them seem to you personally is not the usual violated your personal stereotypes Belarusian kitchen or even cooking at all?
- Some dishes are already familiar, something vaguely - cook and you realize that this is for you to prepare köksluckor the parents and grandparents. Some learn by comparison to other cuisines. I especially köksluckor want to highlight Jour. With him I was not familiar. Now this is my favorite soup. It has a real "chip", which I hope will be appreciated by our customers. In the summer I'll make it cold, with beets.
- I always say in our project should be interested primarily chief himself. After all, if it is to get guidance, it would be "without a soul." And all who wish to participate in this project - to look at us, the way it's interesting, and potentially profitable, learn and act - write to
Belarus will!
Column Olgerda Baharevicha
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