Sunday, April 19, 2015

People of these tribes had Mongoloid multiform structural features. They had the yellowish dark ski

The people The name of the Samoyed breed comes from the Samoyeds a semi-nomadic people of Asian descent (Russian: Samoiedskaïa Sabaka). The Samoyedo people were very affectionate with his family and with their dogs and treated them as their family members. Ended up historically known to have the Samoyed dogs and by the way they treated them.
People of these tribes had Mongoloid multiform structural features. They had the yellowish dark skin, black hair, were shorties with a maximum of 1,57m in height multiform (average multiform of 1.45m for men and 1.30m for women), had prominent cheekbones, slanted eyes and short skull.
Very religious and followers of shamanic religions, they had rituals and customs, fed fishing, hunting, multiform reindeer meat and the cultivation of wild potatoes. They never bathed during his lifetime.
Historians tell us that as the Asian population grew, larger tribes went (with their families, their flocks, and their dogs) to other distant regions, as natural food would not be enough to found the reindeer and the own tribe. In search of new pastures Samoyedo the people of Sayantsi family was part of this migration and moved to the northwest. In 1800 European explorers and historians described them as a race migrating between the "Mongolian and Finn."
The word "Samoyed" has a Russian multiform origin, derived from the Scandinavian languages. multiform In the past it was thought that the word "Samojed" was a Russian compound "sam-is-ed" which means that eating yourself. This is a naive etymology, related to the fact that it was thought that the people Samoyedo were cannibals. In Russia the word was then changed to "Samodij" as in the word foreigh multiform literature has not changed, remaining "Samojed", however without any pejorative multiform sense. multiform The Samoyeds are a North ethnicity Siberia comprising the Nenets people, Enets, Selkup and Nganasan. Are people of Uralic languages group to which also belong to the Finnish and Hungarian. Below geographical distribution of types of Samoyeds languages, multiform Finnic (fine-Permian) and Ugric yukahhir.
The Samoyedo people migrated to its present location in the first millennium to hitherto uninhabited land covered with snow and ice in the vast tundra extensions, ranging from the White Sea (one Barents Sea arm on the northwest multiform coast of Russia) to the Yenisei River ( the largest river flowing into the Arctic Ocean). They lived mainly in the Taimyr Peninsula, between the Yenisei and Olenek rivers. This peninsula is in the far north of Siberia multiform in the Arctic Circle the shores of the Arctic Ocean. It is the northernmost part of the continent and is shown in the upper left corner of the map.
Nganasan lived in the Taimyr Peninsula, which lies between the Lena and Yenisey rivers. The Enets (Samadu) were their neighbors to the west, near the bottom of the Yenisey River and Taz. The third group, Nenets (Samoyeds or Yuraks), lived in the largest territory on both sides of the Ural Mountains, through multiform the forest and the Arctic multiform coast to the Kanin peninsulas, Gydan and Yamal. The Nganasan used dogs as a means to hunt geese. They brought the birds without damaging them. And were not known until the mid-18th century In the 19th Century reindeer herding has become important to this group of people of the Samoyeds tribes. His reindeer were "wild" and roamed multiform long paths in search of food, which meant that the dogs took care of the reindeer 24 hours or they would lose. The type of dogs that used to help control his reindeer are described initially as "short-legged, dogs Layka the race." Cousins of the Samoyed Layka dogs were widely used in Russia, including a Layka dog was the first dog to be sent into space in a rocket. The Enets came to be known before the Revolution (1917) and were called Khantayka Karasin Samoyeds. They used their own reindeer to transport and no mention was made of dogs for any use in the history books and literature. There was a part of the Nenets who have moved to Novaya Zemlya and Vaygach Islands to take over the territory, because they feared that the Russians would claim their land, and this shift by the Russian territory the Nenets adopted the Bjelkiers dogs to transport their belongings and children. The Nenets who were not relocated dogs used primarily to protect and monitor their large herds of reindeer. Another group of people who were neighbors of Samoyeda people and that were mentioned frequently in the diaries of explorers in historical writings on the people of Siberia who used dogs of various shapes were Khantys (Ostiaks). This group of people occupied the area of the mouth of the Ob and the northern Urals, as far as the Ittyoh joins the Ob and the east to the heart of Siberia. The Khantys adopted the nomadic culture of the Nenets reindeer husbandry, and used their dogs also to control their re

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