Monday, July 7, 2014

In recent months, there has been a sudden and fast many cases of malaria in the country appearance.

Nicolas SARKOZY promised during his presidential campaign a real break with Françafrique before. floor planner No more complacency from another era, place of business, sound and transparent relations. floor planner
A break with this françafrique that Nicolas SARKOZY floor planner announced in its program of presidential candidate: "I will promote the development of poor countries, ceasing to support corrupt governments (...) We will not make things happen simply by familiarity. between the head of the French state and its mainland counterparts, but by the collective consciousness of a common interest "
He had not reckoned with the networks, and interest, of course. The rest we know, the same people are still there, such BOURGI floor planner says "Mr Africa" very influential in his own words by the President and survivor of the old networks Chirac era which has recently been deprived of during the visit inauguration of Alassane Ouattara by Alain Juppé.
On July 14, many have moved to see parade on the Champs Elysées African units, many of which are more like mercenaries, like those of Denis Sassou Nguesso, or the presence of these "democrats" as Blaise COMPAORÉ in power for 24 years .
And the list of goods "ill-gotten" since 2008 by Denis Sassou Nguesso near Congo Brazzaville, Teodoro Obiang Nguema, Equatorial Guinea and the late head of State of Gabon, Omar Bongo Ondimba is endless as indecent under economic, social or simply floor planner human in their respective floor planner countries situation. Country where people die of not having a euro in your pocket to pay the advance care.
These African Presidents, often poorly or not elected, clinging to their power as limpets to their rock, and many get rich indecently on the back of their peoples, plundering the wealth of their countries for their own benefit, confiscating land and property as they wish and Nicolas SARKOZY had promised not to "help".
Even today, we learn that in the case of ill-gotten gains, the Paris prosecutor's office refused to extend the recent developments, the wealth floor planner survey in France of three African presidents and their families.
This refusal today to add the last shopping close presidents accused in this case the first property offending not just show the so-called desire to break with the corrupt governments had promised during his campaign Nicolas SARKOZY.
Worse, the lack of restraint of the same family who continued as if nothing had happened to buy luxury goods or immovable property by the networks funded by companies with questionable operation, when it is not directly budgets of their states, demonstrates a sense of impunity they face the French justice.
The Congolese capital, Brazzaville, has in recent days a shortage of kerosene, widely used in households and the price per liter has doubled among traffickers called "Kadafi" floor planner from CFAF 600 to CFAF 1,200, against 320 CFA the official price in service stations.
"For four days I have trouble cooking for lack of oil and when you are in Kadafi, it is very expensive per liter we buy home at 600 CFA francs rose to 1200 F CFA sometimes 1,500 F CFA, it's really difficult and increasingly I use charcoal.
In recent months, there has been a sudden and fast many cases of malaria in the country appearance. Consultations floor planner for malaria floor planner increased in the health centers, especially in Brazzaville, Pointe-Noire floor planner and Dolisie.
In any case, the testimonies are numerous. Malaria raged in many families. It attacks to death, often manifested by unusual signs and can cause paralysis floor planner of the affected subjects. floor planner Even adults who resist against this disease, do support floor planner more.
Congolese, fertile imagination, even found a particular name to malaria. floor planner The Brazzaville call "Colbert", while in Dolisie, they say "Palu Pongo", as it is the victims.
In any case, faced with this new-look malaria, one wonders: who can explain this phenomenon? A forum bringing together researchers from different countries of Central Africa, thought since Monday on the new malaria which seems to resist all.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, currently in Lusaka, Zambia, as part of a tour of five days in Africa, the continent invited to take heed to the "new colonialism" played by China.
"We do not want to see a new colonialism in Africa," she said, continuing to explain floor planner that "we are starting to see a lot of problems" in China is not FORCEM

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