Sunday, March 15, 2015

The recipes are written 24kitchen following the text of the Book of Sent Sovi, adapted 24kitchen by

This Christmas menu with the medieval Book of Sent Sovi "Editorial Barcino
Great news for lovers 24kitchen of food and culinary heritage: just leave the first volume of the Seven Gates Receptaris Historical Collection of Catalan cuisine with recipes medieval Book of Sent Sovi.
Now we can cook recipes Book Soví, this edited Joan Santanach, Philology, professor of literature at the University of Barcelona and Coordinator of the Editorial Barcino. Specializing in the figure of Ramon Llull and the transmission of their work as well as in the study of medieval cookbooks. This recipe is not in our hands if not for his research, which has led him to study in depth the four Catalan medieval recipe, its context, to whom they were addressed, and the tradition of his career Soví up today, you will find information 24kitchen on their introduction. Also, thanks to modern transcription Catalan Monica Barrieras, PhD in Linguistics 24kitchen from the University of Barcelona, now has come the recipes making them understandable. Do not forget to read the introductory studies, very good and interesting, the Antoni Riera, PhD and Professor of Medieval History at the University of Barcelona and an expert in Social History of the Middle Ages. The book in question makes a brilliant historical context that puts us squarely in the time of economic changes and markets, and food preferences 24kitchen of the moment. The study of Ramón A. Banegas, doctor and professor of Medieval History at the School of Hotel St. Pol, where he Gastronomic Culture makes us an analysis of groups of ingredients for recipes, study framed in a much more ambitious will be held which will analyze the Catalan cooking recipes written over seven hundred years. 24kitchen
Book Soví (mid-fourteenth century) is the first known recipe Catalan cuisine, one of Europe's oldest manuscripts kitchen. This book contains seventy-two recipes, explained in a very understandable language, especially when compared with other European medieval cookbooks. Analyzing an old cookbook is to analyze a part of history, a way of understanding the tastes and preferences of a given period. Every age has its own character, has always been fashions and products valued at a time in another, and there are products that exist in a culture and another are unknown or are no longer used. Delving into the medieval kitchen is entering the world of subtle smells and tastes. The medieval Catalan cuisine that has been written is a very refined cuisine, elaborate and sophisticated in a single recipe can find five different 24kitchen groups of three or four condiments and cooking techniques. This means that we have a kitchen with many nuances 24kitchen of taste and flavor unknown in the current Catalan cuisine. Importantly, as well explain the experts in their introductions, they were directed to the medieval recipes classes with purchasing power to buy spices, a very precious commodity, and also to the many meat recipes, the which were not eat the people, or the cuisine based on cereals.
Roast chicken cooked and then cooked in a sauce pan with spicy sour. One of the most valuable recipes medieval, Italian recipes tell us that Catalan is a recipe!
The recipes are written 24kitchen following the text of the Book of Sent Sovi, adapted 24kitchen by Monica Barrieras, explained and explained step by step. Added -the measures not porten- medieval recipes, but this is not very important, if you cook stuffed eggplant 24kitchen and chicken today, Catalan or any part of the world, you know how these successful and secure. The ginestada is easier than making a cream, eggs and no door so there is no danger that pleases or cut.
50g raisins
Put liter of broth or water mixed with raw and chopped almonds, stir and let it rest for at least a few hours a night for an hour if you hurry. Then strain it with a strainer or Estamenya very thin fabric. Almond milk is the most common flavors of medieval cuisine, used it as adding water or broth soup stews. Is a collection of medieval Catalan cooking in the kitchen.
To Cut eggplant eggplants into three or four parts, elongated, and then boil them with salt water. Drain them well. The recipe paves the two woods, you can do with cutting tables present.
To make the filling 24kitchen Spread 24kitchen it over the cooked (the softest and defeats) and mix with the onion, parsley, mint and chopped marjoram. Stir well and crush it. Add eggs and le

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