Wednesday, January 29, 2014

For the first time in the history of Slovakia organized by the civic association Wild Poppies on th Home News World Regions rum kitchen Ekomomika Culture Sports Opinions history on Car Magazines Housing Cocktail Travel Money Job VAT Female Health Journal spoon Recipes Christmas Ideas Advice Birdz Blog Flog Pivnička Discounts ePravda Relax Let's read to children Debate Theatres Festivals Games Horoscopes Pictures Infographics Cinemas Concerts Skull Sudoku rum kitchen Competition TV program
For the first time in the history of Slovakia organized by the civic association Wild Poppies on the occasion of International Roma Day on 8 to 14 apríla 2013 weeks Romany Gipsy Kitchen Food Festival at some restaurants rum kitchen in Bratislava. On this occasion, we approached the project coordinator Mark Wild Poppies Mrs Miriam Mahajovú that told us something about the specifics of Roma cuisine.
Miriam Mahajová, project coordinator Mark Wild Poppies. Photo: Wild Poppies How did the idea to organize in Bratislava Gipsy Food Festival? Inspired you somewhere abroad? The idea Gipsy Food Festival was created gradually, when we at events and in particular festival Gypsy Roma bashavelin started offering meals. People of them began to show enormous interest, we often met with the question, where they could try other recipes. Since 8 April Roma have their international day Wild Poppies and holds regular public collection, we combined these two things and created a completely new concept, which we hope will have a positive feedback. This unconventional public collection points to the fact that we do not want to collect money on the street and convince people rum kitchen that it is worth helping, rum kitchen but also give added value, where visitors can enjoy original recipes, recognize different cuisine and also promote the integration of Roma into society through the education of young people. Our job is also to break prejudices against Roma in Slovakia are quite entrenched. rum kitchen What makes us very happy is that the cooperating restaurants also organize concerts, which in turn show temperament and beauty of Gypsy music. We believe that the festival rum kitchen will become our tradition and future years will live Bratislava week of Roma culture in several rum kitchen places rum kitchen with a variety of events and genres. Although rum kitchen Roma are part of our culture since time immemorial, but only very few of us know anything about the Roma cuisine. Could you bring it? Traditional dishes, prepared mainly by Roma in the past, were cheap, rich and in most cases very easy to prepare. It was used mainly flour, potatoes, legumes, dairy products, offal and sausages. However, Roma cuisine influenced and influences the majority society, where Roma lived and live. As we know, the Roma originated in India over several centuries and got almost all over the world. If today you ask Roma in Spain, Romania, India, Russia and Slovakia as prepared goja, Džatko or marikl'a, each of them will certainly give a different answer. Each person affects the environment in which he lives, rum kitchen affecting his diet. Adds new spices, varies the materials, trying new recipes. And even today many Roma cooks classic dishes majority population and the Roma have only remind you from time to time. What is the specific Roma kitchen? It uses some special materials, which are otherwise rum kitchen not used in our country? Specificity and uniqueness rum kitchen of the Roma cuisine lies in the fact that even though it is cheap, it is also very tasty. Does not use any materials that would be other meals not used, rather rum kitchen atypically combined. rum kitchen Roma housewives used in food preparation some original dishes, pots and cutlery tools? Prepare their meals on some special furnaces, stoves? rum kitchen Once upon a time, when Roma still live a nomadic lifestyle stoves are not used as at present. When you somewhere for a longer or shorter time settled, established a fire that kept still. Serve not only to heat but also to prepare food. Used mainly kettles, but also stone or metal plates placed on the embers.
Photo: Wild Poppies If we went into the kitchen Roma housewives in western Slovakia and Eastern Slovakia to say, we would see a difference? And if so, what? Every housewife arrange your kitchen by yourself, as it best suits, of course taking into account the financial situation in which the family is. I would undistributed east from the west, we can see the difference there and there. Whether this would be the quality of cooking utensils or individual appliances. You would not find in most Roma dwellings same or very similar? These would be the paintings and rugs with a religious theme, which is associated with a very strong faith and its impact on their daily lives. When someone asks us for a typical Slovak food, most of us remember the sheep cheese dumplings. Roma also has a kitchen any such typical food? Delicacy with which it is most probably associated Roma and food are goja. They actually pig intestines that are filled with various fillings by region, rum kitchen practice in the family or her budget. Most often filled with a mixture of raw potatoes

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