Sunday, November 17, 2013

Mubarak tamale kitchen arrives to attend the Police Academy session retrial in killing tamale kitc

Loose security Fez: another murder shaking Sidi Buggidh district and static scream king calls for intervention + image deceased
Attacked supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood tamale kitchen in France, the great writer Alaa al-Aswani, through tamale kitchen his literary lecture at the Arab World Institute in Paris; headed by Jack Long and former French Minister of Culture, and the presence of an interpreter novel 'Car Club' to French generation Gouthe . He said al-Aswani's Sunrise he was surprised a group of the Muslim Brotherhood - the French of Arab origin - during his lecture on Egyptian literature, and talking about his latest novel Club Car, shouting down the military rule, raising the fourth sign Adawiya, answered them Aswani: The Brotherhood Muslims have betrayed the Egyptian revolution and its principles, and they break down the hall and destroyed its contents, but French police Hmtna the French and attendance of the seminar, tamale kitchen who was present for discussion in the literature and public affairs of Egypt. He stressed that the Brotherhood destroyed the hall and broke the glass and its contents fully, tamale kitchen pointing out that this was agreed upon and mastermind, where you do not require access to the debate hall was completely destroyed, tamale kitchen and attack us in this way. He said Aswani The director of the Arab World Institute denounced what happened, stressing that for the first time seen such an attack on novelist talking about thought and literature, and pointed Aswani that prides always that represents Egyptian literature and Arab in such seminars abroad, but what caused these Brotherhood Egypt and the Arabs shows uncivilized appearance. He added that the hall can accommodate up to 200 people and more than 90% of the audience belonging tamale kitchen to the Brotherhood they go early, where Egyptians Arrivals forced to attend the symposium to discuss Aswani in the novel stand outside the Institute and only two of them succeeded in entering the pretext of their journalistic work. The Aswani , in a lecture on Wednesday, before the Friendship Association French - Egyptian headed tamale kitchen by Ambassador Patrick Oclark and attended by a group of ambassadors and French diplomats who have ties to Egypt, in response to a question about the possibility of the arrival of Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces tamale kitchen and Minister of Defense , that Sisi personal team and patriotism has a strong presence and enjoys the love and respect for the Egyptian people, pointing out that Egypt needs a strong president, and the people to choose and has absolute freedom to do so. He stressed that whatever the person who is given a choice in the presidential election stature, it is important to ensure that the presidential term people will only be for four years, followed by other elections. tamale kitchen He stressed that the President (isolated) Mohamed Morsi, arrived to the presidential palace after the second round of the presidential election, no thanks to the supporters of the Islamic movement, but because his opponent in the election was a picture "duplicate" of former President Hosni Mubarak, and then celebrated the Egyptians defeat (system) Mubarak. The great Egyptian writer that Marina was unknown within the Muslim Brotherhood, tamale kitchen and was ranked tamale kitchen sixth among the members of the group and remained so until a president of the republic.
Mubarak tamale kitchen arrives to attend the Police Academy session retrial in killing tamale kitchen of demonstrators - 11/16/2013

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