Sunday, November 24, 2013

Formerly, man does not live in the cities or in the villages, there was once a man refrigerator, ba

Formerly, man does not live in the cities or in the villages, there was once a man refrigerator, bakery, and meat, or fruit and vegetable vanity cabinets shop, but was obligated to find them in the woods, and found her, and her s' find, once fed as not carrying on, of sitting here for days without food. But since this biological machine always requires energy to function is designed in such a way that when you find food = (energy) part that does not need for daily consumption to leave in reserve for the next day and the next day if it finds food again creates an even greater reserve and so on until one day will not find food and will consume the inner reserves as reserve scheme 'have so many days without food and anasjelltas.Kjo new logic of organization is that it works through a program brain that coordinates the actions of the whole organism through sensors that are located throughout the body. If one eats more fruit will have a large reserve of vitamins, but if you eat more meat will have a large reservoir vanity cabinets of proteins, so the best is to be tons warehouses filled with a bit of everything. What happens nowadays? Going to hang us head to the refrigerator every minute and most did not even move from the sofa with, so on one hand we have excess food and store in our depots and on the other hand do not move to this calorie burn, and you happen to scan the place and repositories begin to store it in places that are not working for him starting to create conflicts and problems with other parts of the org you are the first symptoms of the disease. It happens that often eat the same things, leaving aside other more. It happens that together with food industrially parapregatitur get more poisons in the body that are used to store these foods. All animals are smarter than us in this regard and we are the animal you eat worse than all animals in nature, as they are fed by instinct millions year while we have lost this instinct vanity cabinets and use our culture and we have ndergjejgen vanity cabinets aspect is zero. Not in vain all animals before winter healed. This culture now lost profit sinks by societies vanity cabinets of industrialized food, which in turn become food for another vanity cabinets pharmaceutical industry that is it. How much worse to eat are so sick and so will we buy more drugs, the ushqhemi as bad as anything less will live every state that interests you to pay as little pension and the money exploit for partisan or personal interests . Therefore of no interest to tell you how to live without drugs and as long. Eat with just ... Often when we heard that say eat everything all in one stomach vanity cabinets and put this theory almost all mingle during food animal proteins with plant them, mix dry food with liquid etc. .. etc. ... according Mides that each one. But this food is so wrong because: 1-When food is more ingredient is difficult organism by means of sensors vanity cabinets to determine the types of enzymes or the quantity of acid that should throw it to digest food. 2-different foods consumed vanity cabinets and absorbed by the body in different parts of the intestinos, eg starch in the first part of intestinos animal proteins in the second half of intestinos while milk and cheese in the last part of intestinos. So when you eat bread, cheese, meat, and yogurt and cream cheese in bottom fermented quickly and did not have enough time to reach the last part of so many gases which waived by them through the digestive apparatus climb up to the brain by causing vanity cabinets headaches, so that you hike often enough headaches just one or clyster enema to clear the last part of intestinos. How should vanity cabinets we eat? Just as not simply mixed with never more than two things of that same type. viz. eats one, two or three plates penny, but not accompanied with cheese, bread, onion, lemon, leek, vinegar mideje where I know what I have.
Water & Salt Salt When we say everyone goes salt to salt mind you have at home then NA-CL but they are divided into industrial salt and salt food often hear recently that salt makes the body damage must be done carefully so the consumption of her or hear the salt you use is without jodjo etc. .. etc. ... So the food industry of elements enriches vanity cabinets it with the market and we are regularly vanity cabinets seeing jodjo sea salt or other substanza necessary for our bodies therefore arises: Is the salt damages the body? Org How damaging it? A novojshme it is for our body? Salt is a compound of chemical elements with very accurate vanity cabinets sea salt is composed of 84 chemical elements that are dissolved in water for millions of years, when rain falls on the land surface melting in its salts and leads to the sea, water is the solvent Best in nature in almost all the elements melt us

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