Saturday, November 22, 2014

Not for a long time once again been able to put anything letters, but can not be bothered too much

Not for a long time once again been able to put anything letters, but can not be bothered too much to talk about what's happening, linky because it is so much the same, as well as a few. ---- || ---- Thought I write something as pure and does not have to be somewhere in the seeski make any sense, because I do not know where to reach today's entry. ---- || ---- Namely, sitting quietly at the back of your MacBook, a cigarette and a glass of whiskey with ice kustnud. It seems that today is such a small way, "My Night". Right now extinguished the candle on the table and the room felt the candle is burning fat and cigarette smells in my Hugo Boss community. As such, it seems that this mix is somewhat ugly, but everything is in the air parjalt enough that he even likes the smell. I've reached the point where the values become more valuable is that most people do not consider important in everyday life, but also those around us all. A moment ago it was / is an important, even now, the smell and the dim room, which ümbritsseb me, I do not need more than just a small idea of mõttevälgatust to refrain among the more verses linky to think about. I am standing in front of the paper, which is even promising lines, but now they do not need to käkkida. I will take another sip of paper and shove his brown leather mappi, between which are the foundations of mathematical analysis and programming materials, because I know that there will sooner or later in this paper to consider. ---- || ---- Mapp placed on their back and forth ... and now on !? I take a small break in thought, go to the kitchen and will pour another glass, this should help. Bottle sealed and placed in a cabinet, also got the ice and everything is good again. Whereas linky today it seems very pleasant / The importance linky of knee pain, it reminds me that none of us know people are not all-powerful and all things in the same way as all the others. A little of this, how do we assume any interpret things. ---- || ---- I do not know why but I remembered the sentence does not even know who said this to me, maybe I had it myself, but this quote: "Do not Drive through life as if you were crazy but act quickly enough in the moment. Also, it is possible to enjoy the moment what is happening. " It seems that is the gist of it, because the situations are not acting fast enough and need not mean rushing from scattered rapsimist. ---- || ---- For me sitting behind a burning cigarette linky and looking out the window, and even this still image of each day / evening / night it seems to me there is nothing more valuable than in the past. The falling snow, snow, under the cars and the house lights on them, creating a golden glow. How the hell do these things in the past did not even notice, or is it really the case that you will notice any of these things at the right moment, or some things will come to you, and you will notice a knock on your shoulder just when they want you to see them? Anyway, I am extremely linky pleased with the fact that I can somehow very different things today, watch faces, and it is seriously refreshing. It seems to me that today I could I take a lot of küsimustle much more logical and respond more appropriately than ever before, and at the same time it creates anxiety in me, then why the hell anyone ask anything of me today. ---- || ----'m Going to pull the ends together, and I remembered that I had to be mentioned in his blog the following names: Kaisa, Kadi, Renee, Liisu (compliments of London) and Kärt - you seem to be pretty cool people: P And fuck my dance partner is able to dance well too, it seems to be eet on more leniently than over rocks and stumps: D Peace :)
2014 (1) October (1) 2013 (4) August (2) May (2) 2012 (2) April (1) February (1) 2011 (8) July (1) March (2) February (2) January (3) 2010 (11) November linky (1) glass, ice, whiskey and me .... October (1) August (1) June (2 ) May (2) April (4)

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