Artificial affordable housing should of course bekmpes by all means, p lease parasites will pay market rent. The nuvrende very fine rules about renovation will tosserne in LLO now to tinker with, quite utilstdeligt: A new and long as expected during gation badroom from Velfrdsministeriet documenting iflge LLO tendency for landlords, n r a tenant moves, stter apartment expensive able to then knock the rent up. Completely according to the rules. "A smaller, older apartment that fr cost 2400 kr. Mneden, costing's suddenly 5000 kr. It has the frreste students and low income rd," says chefkonom in Country Tenants Organization Jesper Larsen, Ritzau. badroom LLO want politicians to change the rules so they many older rental homes that lkker heat on a large scale, must be improved energimssigt, fr Cooked luxury modernization of kkkener and bath. Private and boligkonomi- News Display
Artificial affordable housing should of course badroom bekmpes badroom by all means, p lease parasites will pay market rent. The nuvrende very fine rules about renovation will tosserne in LLO now to tinker with, quite utilstdeligt: badroom A new and long as expected during gation from Velfrdsministeriet documenting badroom iflge LLO tendency for landlords, n r a tenant moves, stter apartment expensive able to then knock the rent up. Completely according to the rules. "A smaller, badroom older apartment that fr cost 2400 kr. Mneden, costing's suddenly 5000 kr. It has the frreste students and low income rd," says chefkonom in Country Tenants Organization Jesper Larsen, Ritzau. LLO want politicians to change the rules so they many older rental homes that lkker heat on a large scale, must be improved energimssigt, fr Cooked luxury modernization of kkkener and bath. Private and boligkonomi- News Display For new readers. This trd is a troldetrd, started badroom by boligas own little troll. It is a person who lives by sell homes, and therefore spammer with userise indlg. There is something called huslejenvnet
And on top making underpins the PNY RFS great vennesle perspective on tenants (the pathetic, parasitic vsener, remember?) I s self-advertisement and know from my own LLO membership of the problem - the loophole is that a landlord after more detailed omstndigheder can faststte rent freer, so long as he or she just uses 200,000 on renovating (and no, dear Mr Fella, it has nothing to do with renovation to make * cough * - it is called renovation) apartment. The intention originally vret to provide an incentive to do something about the remaining apartments (there is not many left) with toilet igrden and bath in the basement - which I can not see anything wrong in principle . The rule is hjst likely also a reminiscence badroom of the revision of the Rent Act in 1966, which was just a big renoveringsefterslbi the private rented sector. The problem today is that there are no rules for how "unfashionable" apartment must VRE for the landlord m make use of the rule. There are also no rules as to how useful badroom renovations m VRE. Sledes can use them, for example, 100,000 on replacing an otherwise well-maintained and well usable cuisine from the 70s or 80s and the same needle to replace a maybe also quite useful badevrelse badroom - and presto cost apartment - without other than a cosmetic improvement - the two-triple - it was damn not the intention!
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