Friday, May 8, 2015

The little girl meets so Magnus Hirschfeld spirit, telling her what he researches at his institutio

Nicklas Do, guest reviewer kitchen makeovers I recommend this show to anyone who think it's funny when some say "anus", "penis" and "vagina" on a stage, and to people who seem that the flutter of fingers is the funniest imitation of a homosexual. If you think that some of the things I just mentioned are fun, then you should definitely go and see "THE EINSTEIN OF SEX". The hall, which you enter is dark and smoky, and I can hear that there are some older theatergoers who find it difficult to orient themselves. But when I get put down and look up at the scene, giving kitchen makeovers it suddenly makes sense. The set design is really nice, and you get the feeling kitchen makeovers of being in an old German research kitchen makeovers institute. So even before the play starts, I have a feeling of being back in a more repressed and depressed Germany. It must be said that the play takes place in Germany around the late 1800s. It'll be good, I think.
The light on the stage is turned on and enter a little girl onto the stage. Her costume is also really nice and super fit well into the style. Generally, the whole notion worked the visuals.
The little girl meets so Magnus Hirschfeld spirit, telling her what he researches at his institution. It's pretty funny because Magnus Hirschfeld talking about words like "gay," "heterosexual", "bi" and "trans". And the little girl looks at him like he was stupid kitchen makeovers because of course she knew what these words meant. But then the girl disappears, and the other employees show up on stage. And Magnus kitchen makeovers Hirschfeld kitchen makeovers begins presenting them one at a time, while that plays some music in the background.
The rest of the show is a bit like an unclear lot to me, because there is not really anything happens on stage. Yes, there are a few different songs that all sound the same and have in common that they try to get a cheap laugh out of the audience by singing kitchen makeovers the words as the anus.
And the choreography is very static, where the actors just sitting at their tables and waving fingers. kitchen makeovers However, there is a song where they start moving the furniture around, but much wilder never will be.
There are two features which actually breaks the otherwise very monotonous action. In one feature, they play a scene where there will be a German soldier into Magnus, kitchen makeovers and tells him that he has some forbidden thoughts of other men. It's actually a very nice little scene where I get caught by what is happening, because the spectacle for the first time since the beginning of the little girl seems sincere. But the scene items not more than a few minutes - unfortunately, and immediately jumps they instead into a self-deprecating corny song. The second feature is a PowerPoint show, where we see pictures of naked people that are outside kitchen makeovers the norm. For example. we see a picture of a naked hermaphrodite.
The show ends with a monologue by Magnus Hirschfeld, who talks about his last years of his life. But after he forgets his reply the second time, where he will have to get the help of keywords entity sits the audience and feel uncomfortable in the place to relax and just soak it for themselves. As you might sense, kitchen makeovers so dropped the idea is not just to my taste. I give "THE EINSTEIN OF SEX" 2 out of sixth One for a great set design and one for the little girl who gave energy to an otherwise somewhat dull piece. Livingstone's Cabinet House Theatre, Halmtorvet 9, Copenhagen V Player until d. 9 May 2015 Play Date: April 18, 2015 Photos: Bjarne Stæhr you like to buy a ticket? Check the performance's official page: Follow us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram:ungt_teaterblod
Labels: 1800, 2 stars, Research, Research, Guest review, Gay, House Theater, Livingstone's Cabinet, Magnus Hirschfeld, Girl, Set design, Tagged kitchen makeovers Dealer, The Einstein kitchen makeovers of Sex, vagina, Germany
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