Thursday, April 9, 2015

Currently, there is no reason to dismiss the story of the partner as a lie but the opposite can be

The kitchen is closed merillat to anyone without a valid access. Frederick is in the living room adjacent to the kitchen and sees the cop look away. The conversation with the partner has little to nothing and Frederick now turns to the cop on the kitchen door. He opens his jacket and pulls his only appear to show this to the agent. The agent, a young man of around 25 years old, leans towards Frederick, who had not made the effort to come closer, so that he can check on the pass identity.
During the audit Frederick note the posture and facial expression of the agent. Since he is pretty notorious merillat and the agent does not recognize him immediately, Frederick suspects that the agent has just been added to the force of his district. The eyebrows of the agent skyrocket when he read the name on the pass. He jumps up quickly and opens the door for Frederick who pays no attention to the man and opening walk into the kitchen.
The kitchen turns out to be fairly neutral, the side walls, apparently, several years ago were painted in a beige color. It is clear that a new coat of paint prior to this fatal case was already necessary. At this time, however, this is no longer important as an additional red color was applied over the entire kitchen. The dead body next to the kitchen table is the cause of the additional staining. Frederick still looks equally around to record the entire kitchen in it. At first sight, he finds no murder weapon, which already corresponds to the testimony merillat of the partner.
The area of the kitchen measuring approximately 14m with kitchen cabinets, merillat gas range and oven left rear, right rear of the fridge, the kitchen table right in front of him and at his feet the body of the victim. Frederick stoops merillat to better view the body. At the back of the head there is a very large hole deep into the brains. The perpetrator has clearly beaten more than once with an unknown object; judging by the coloration of the entire kitchen, the offender can not overcome and minutes should tip to create such a situation.
Frederik merillat examines the kitchen more detailed and thinks back to the story of the partner. This would be located on top of bed due to fatigue from a long night's merillat work. A hard scream would have ensured startle awake in which the partner immediately jumped out of bed and rushed downstairs. In the rush of the kitchen the same image was determined as that which Frederick now see for themselves. The partner would then have immediately contacted the police. An offender's partner found no trace.
Frederick focuses on and look at the back door of the kitchen leading to the garden. The perpetrator would be possible on the separation wall from the neighbors climbed to come in as through the back of the victim's merillat house. The question remains, merillat of course, the neighbors heard or saw something. merillat Earlier Frederik has already asked his colleagues to question local residents. This he will later receive a report. The strange thing about the situation is the lack of damage, both burglary and damage that would result in killing the victim. Also, nothing was stolen, according to the partner. Could the culprit fled at the slightest sound he heard above him or was the murder of the victim the purpose of the burglary. If he has to rely on any of these assumptions, the offender may still have very fast flights to remain for the partner.
Currently, there is no reason to dismiss the story of the partner as a lie but the opposite can be said also. The fact remains strange that the perpetrator merillat can so quickly flee with the murder weapon and the fact that the partner would have seen nothing. Maybe the murder weapon is still somewhere in the kitchen. Frederick viewing the kitchen cabinets and opens the doors one by one with his rubber gloves. The cabinets were carefully filled with all the utensils in strict form, in millimeters work was drawn up; Glass of the same style stand on a fine straight line one behind the other in which different types of standing side by side arranged with the same distance in each case between each other, plates were neatly sorted per type of right to each other, cutlery was laid beside each other with the direction merillat of the knife in the same line , and so on, and so on. All tools were perfectly sorted. It is very clear that the murder weapon Frederick quickly could not be placed merillat in the cabinet merillat without disturbing the strict style.

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