Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Do prerromano mud, mud, mud, that we should not be confused with barrum Celtic Barrier lurch. Marci

A reference to a beehive, or also to the balm, the plant similar to nettle very aromatic. Grass that is part of the ritual of the Night of St. John, both to throw in the water with a washed the next day, and to place it on the door of the house as a remedy against the evil eye and witches. Cooked, used as a tonic. Also used as an abortifacient.
Name Parish. * (Villa) Allentii, possessor of a medieval attending Allentius by name. Lucia is related to the Latin lucem light. Santa martyred in 300, usually represented with eyes on a tray; is the patron saint of seamstresses, blind, opticians and photographers. In 1889 the mayor and to the time of the peace judge Noga Manuel Nunez Saavedra, and other neighbors asked the bishop Lugo to A Alence had care, and that the A Alence, Cruces, Pando and Vilarin become corner shelving unit parish and and segregate these villages Torés. The Alence as a parish dates back to 1890. THE HIGH birch
At 1043 meters above the sea level. The second element refers to the family tree of the Betulaceae, Betula pendula. The first study of the birch or birch due to Fr. Martin Sarmiento who, in 1759, in his work on the Birch Betula or says that in the eighteenth century is not yet linked with birch Betula corner shelving unit America. For some people had prehistoric sacred character. In the Middle Ages was associated with witchcraft because of the low-growing corner shelving unit Amanita muscaria, a hallucinogenic fungus. It was believed that witches built their brushes with the wood of this tree. But also possessed medicinal properties, the crust was recommended for skin diseases, rheumatism, gout, sore stone and diseases of the kidney.
Boundary with the municipality of Cervantes. The first element of the compound comes from the Latin her bust, the place where they burned or buried corpses corner shelving unit logo must give, without certain drawbacks as well philological points Quiles Head, the galician bust, tract of land devoted to pasture for livestock. For P. Sarmiento would be a derivation of the Latin word bos, ox; Other authors corner shelving unit of the voice would come gallon ox, cow. Also identifies a lonely place. Word of this last meaning, Eladio Rodriguez, citing Rodriguez Elias says that the bar inhospitable terrain could be because pyres formed to incinerate corpses get up several times in one place, leaving the floor burned, no vegetation and covered with gray ; or they have chosen these places.
In the parish of Torés. It seems an allusion to nidia a corral where they collected females of the horses. The Latin word for horse was replaced by the voice caballus, possibly Celtic origin. The etymology Equus subsists corner shelving unit in cultured voices of origin. Peninsula remained in popular language the female equation where it comes in the form Catalan mare, the Spanish and Portuguese mare mare.
Latin rastrum. Terra unproductive and costly corner shelving unit work. Also road full of obstacles. According to information corner shelving unit provided by the writer and researcher Luis Lopez Pombo, this mountain belonged to the monastery of Samos. OS ARREXÓS Parish Tore. Along with the Association of Residents of Torés, our group is investigating where there might be a settlement period Romanian; for now appeared a coin. Shortcuts
It is known with this name a spring that, for some oxidation process has Roibas waters, corner shelving unit Latin Rubeus, or red. On January 17, 1809, in which the French beat the English Soult, residents of Neira Xusá and Nogais emboscáronse the canyons Water blond Brañas da Serra, attacking the French and inflinxíndolles big losses.
Seems to make reference to a orotopónimo formed from the Celtic * bar, coast, depression, high. Over these, you can also specify a atropotopónimo. The DA BARBEITO UZ Parish Tore. The first element comes from the Latin verbactum, land space is left uncultivated to rest. The compound derived from ulice, uz, briar bush hardwood and thick roots that until well into the twentieth century it was used to make charcoal, both for own consumption and for sale. A root and branch uz flower used as a remedy for headaches and low back pain. A red uz considered poisonous. BARRACEIRA and BARRACEDO
Do prerromano mud, mud, mud, that we should not be confused with barrum Celtic Barrier lurch. Marcial Valladares, in its new supplement encyclopedic Gallego-Castilian (1884), says he is so called to a cabin of poor construction.
Population center belonging to the parish of Noceda. D or galician wetlands, pasture summer without gorse. According to JM Skin, derives from the word prelatino br / Brakna, moist place that can be grassland or scrub. In Gaelic, means braon drop of water, corner shelving unit with derivatives corner shelving unit as braonnach, wet.
Possible origin prerromana, perhaps related Broz referring to a place thick with weeds. For Constantino García

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