Tuesday, September 30, 2014

My lair is slowly getting the right kind. When I get home in the evening and open the front door, b

My lair is slowly getting the right kind. When I get home in the evening and open the front door, bumped into me the smell of my apartment and not of any dwelling, which might be coming to visit. If I had to recently swore in dejatvo that "my apartment is already not one of IKEA clones", I then just over two months stay in it, finally admitted that without Ikeiziranja will not work. Hand on heart: Ikea is a great answer to the sentence: "I wish I had more or less beautiful without being brought into the apartment overspend because they do not know how long I'm here. According to local words with the little money I want lots of muskets. badroom When I some time ago started badroom looking around for Duplin, was my condition for rental housing rather unrealistic: badroom good location, affordable rent and NEOPREMLJENOST. However, in addition, badroom have yet friendly rent out, not that you never even dreamed I was afraid to imagine. After ten months (moderate to predominantly badroom active) searches, I got all bundled. too friendly owners, which you, when, after sleepless night, you call and say that the refrigerator is too noise, replied: "Ah, no problem, we'll badroom buy another, it really No cost! "Hm, even normal people in the world! apartment was when I came to see, otherwise furnished. I was almost hit by a stroke, the furniture was nearly as much as the total usable area of custom residential work: high cabinet on left, but high cabinet on the right, badroom in between a sofa bed above the bridge of the closet, then a whole array of cabinets all the way to the door. Pol rooms themselves cabinets then! Before I managed to open his mouth and utter the question, the owner said: "If you disrupt the cabinets, badroom you can throw it away." "Oh, yes, I am happy!" I thought it said: "Yes, it would perhaps true." And we have not even had to be when I came in is the next apartment, the annoying cupboards there was no spirit and hearing. There is nothing better than virgin room with white walls, which echoes. Well, at that time they were still in the color of egg yolk from the egg unprecedented amounts to chicken farming from the floor (I stress this fact because the yellow color of the yolk is much more intense than the one color that explodes the chicken to its short and unhappy life survives under the battery), but at this moment badroom on the color seen only smudge on the side-front kitchen wall cabinets. In short, the "Ikea project" was: two white chest of drawers, shutters on the windows and some drobnjarij. Illness from section "incompetent purchases" we have survived a long time ago, so this time only: list, calculator and go! For all nepodučene I need at this point to mention that the prices in the Austrian and Italian Ikea in certain pieces may vary (Live is thanks for the warning), chest of drawers which I've also enlisted, namely in Austria KOŠTA 70, while in Italy only 55 euros and as instructed, was it the Ikea family badroom card holders reduced by an additional 10 euros. badroom So I got two for 88 euros, while in Austria for one deducted 70 Want to know why I'm suddenly "succumbed", but if I had to recently vihala nose and claimed badroom that my apartment is already not Ikea flat ?! Well, that even now, when they return from there is not. Little, as I have already mentioned, due to the price a little because Ikea is synonymous with the word "practical". And because you can choose any one place - from cabinets to potato peeler. When then a man all along pritovori home and begins to tear the sticker (tip: before you start to tear under cold water, it will move by itself), which is cleaned and washed to lie in cupboards, again feels like a small child who is got a new toy. Maybe this is my habit bordering on obsession toddler, but I love the cabinets all very nice and transparent manner. I do not know, maybe I ordered cabinets give a false sense that if there is any transparent orderly, tidy and my life ?! Perhaps. badroom In short, when it comes right in the cabinets, then Ikea definitely win. All those plastic bins and bins: one for the bathroom and one for the kitchen, while small bins for the kitchen cabinets and plastic containers for food, bags of food with cute prints and practical fastening badroom clips packs with food ... When you drag a bag of formless pieces of cardboard wrapped in plastic molded pvc, furious kidding, diagonally sewn, zippers at the bottom when featureless pieces get their square shape when the resulting're putting on a happy bunch, then the latter to explain Pansy and štumfke and brassieres in tavelik section but hats and gloves, and then clean up all together in the closet, then you suddenly feel like you got a great battle. The winner, proudly standing badroom on top of omarinega gutted, is pounding his chest and swing the blue / yellow flag with Ikeinim logo. The list helps. Calculator in hand as well. And I have only one sin: a set of scented candles. As fine.
Recently my friend said she was led adaptation of one of the girls, who all equipped apartment in Ikea. When I took a deep breath in order to deter, badroom eeeehh, but yeah no, the other has uttered a reess, waawwww. I stayed only captured breath. sometimes it seemed to me that really such a

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