Friday, August 1, 2014

In the spring of that year has deserted still a young Sângeorzan, Niculai Maxim, who was married an

Institute for the Investigation of Communist Crimes and the Memory of the Romanian Exile (IICCMER), in partnership with the National History Museum of Transylvania in Cluj-Napoca (MNIT), organizes the 14th and July 15th 2014 action archaeological investigations in the city Sângeorz Spa , Bistrita-Năsăud. The goal is to identify and exhumation of the bones belonging to Flore Thahash, shot dead on 25 June 1950.
According think kitchen to civil status, Thahash Flore Sângeorz Bai was born in July 22, 1927. His parents were Thahash Danila and Flower, born Bult, along with their 10 children, seven boys and three girls, Flore is the fourth think kitchen born . His father died in 1949 and his mother a decade later. Of all children are alive today only two sisters, Victoria and Maria. Coming from a family of modest condition, Thahash Flore traveled grades of primary school, after which he stayed with family, dealing with working think kitchen the land and caring for animals in the household.
The information regarding his past Thahash flowers are few and uncertain, one of the sources of information are credible testimony of his sister alive Petroaie Victoria, born in 1925. During 1949, Flowers was ordered recruitment or conscription into the army for fulfillment of military service, but was not present at Bistrita, where it was called. In early spring of 1950 was finally incorporated, being assigned think kitchen to a unit that held perhaps infrastructure works in the Salva-Viseu. After about two months of military service, he deserted back to the native village, where he hid in the woods and various knowledge, being helped by them and his mother. Do not know the exact reasons that led him to defect Thahash Flore, but no information after that he had links since the previous period with members of the anti-communist resistance organizations NASAUD and a time would have been hidden with a proponent. Anticommunist feelings you have, the ideas at the time the imminent fall of the communist regime and the conditions encountered in the military, were probably the reasons that led him to leave the unit and become a fugitive.
In the spring of that year has deserted still a young Sângeorzan, Niculai Maxim, who was married and had built a military unit in the city Băicoi, Prahova county. This was associated think kitchen with Thahash Flore, and by the end of June have been hiding think kitchen together by households and mountain abodes SANGEORZ area, where they enjoyed the support of relatives and acquaintances. Given their status as deserters, they started to look and watch the security and militia in this activity is using multiple informants. The two were discovered on the night of 24 to June 25, 1950 in family think kitchen farm barn Anton and Anna Buia Niculai Maxim's laws. Their house was on the northern border of SANGEORZ on a hill Prihodiste the location is indicated think kitchen by a local authority, Nati John, who was then head of the sector of the field. Clamping action attended a task force composed of police and security frameworks that have acted on the ground at around 2.00 at night. Being taken by surprise, the two young men tried to escape by running away. Thahash Flore hid in a cornfield located above the house where he was shot. Niculai Maxim managed then to escape, running down the hill, but he surrendered to authorities after a few days.
According to the information, the victim's body was left on the killing until the day of Monday, June 26, is guarded by an armed soldier. The spot has moved a formal committee consisting of three members, under the authorization Prosecutor ordered the funeral. Family was not allowed to bury him in the cemetery of the village, deciding that burial be made at the scene. Witnesses talk about the fact that his body was visible Flore single shot bullet, which was entering the front of the head, the forehead, exit to the rear. The pit was dug a few friends late on a hillside in a place located about 150 meters south-west of the house next to that tragic event happened. An extremely rare in such cases is that the authorities had allowed a religious funerals, with the participation think kitchen of relatives and locals. think kitchen Previously, the deceased mother was allowed to wash the blood and body to change her shirt with one pure white. Victim's body was placed in the hole in a wooden think kitchen coffin, made by a local carpenter. Death of Thahash Flore was recorded in the Register of Civil Status

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