Friday, January 24, 2014

In most families, the kitchen is the room where people in a house or apartment encounter most often

In most families, the kitchen is the room where people in a house or apartment encounter most often. Using feng shui principles in the kitchen can create a more harmonious space where people will feel comfortable. For the kitchen cabinets is an important functionality, it is important that the kitchen and practically cabinets arranged, and harmoniously. Location cooker is very important. Stove should be turned toward the door to the kitchen. Anyone standing at the stove should be able to from where is seen on anyone who enters the kitchen. Alternatively, if you can not move the stove so the appropriate place, then it is possible to use a small mirror in the kitchen to reflect the energy and also enable it to see who is behind a stove to be able to see everyone who enters the kitchen. The balance cabinets of individual natural elements resides cabinets in the kitchen impaired because certain elements like fire and water use due to functional kitchen to a greater extent. Fire is represented by a stove and a microwave, refrigerator and sink water. These two elements, according to feng shui never be used together. To put these elements into balance, it is necessary to use wood between fire and water. This can be achieved, for example, a wooden floor, or by placing crushed cabinet so as to form a kind of buffer between those two elements. For dining in the kitchen, use round or oval tables instead of square. Square edges cause that kitchen works harder and colder than it should. Kitchen is the heart of the home and should be comfortable and appealing. Use also chairs or benches that have upholstered seats, or different pillows to make it more impressive dining area. Refrigerator and oven should cabinets be away from windows to the energy that flows room nevytrácala cabinets right away.

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