(http://www.xn--72cizu3grbj4c9h.com/2013/03/the-walking-dead-3-13.html) - The Walking Dead ภาค 3 ตอนท 13เน อเร องย อ...EPISODE SUMMARYAfter the first attack by the Governor on the prison, Rick and his group debate their course of action. In a private moment, while Rick is on watch, Carl confides to Rick that he feels Rick should step down from his leadership role until he recovers. In Woodbury, Andrea learns of the attack on the prison and confronts the Governor, who claims he went to the prison to seek peace but was attacked. The Governor begins replacement kitchen doors to form the Woodbury Army from anyone in town who can shoot a gun, including children. Disturbed by this, Andrea asks the Governor for permission to visit the prison but he refuses to give her access to a vehicle. Undeterred, Andrea asks Milton for his help in escaping Woodbury Milton refuses to participate and reports back to the Governor, who instructs him to help Andrea replacement kitchen doors escape on foot. In the woods outside Woodbury, Andrea and Milton capture a walker and disable
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